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Featured Rider
Ride Name :
Type of Bike :
Older model Trek road bike
Biography :
I started a new job in the City this year and have been frustrated with the public transit commute. Although I haven't been a serious road biker in the past, I bought a bike recently and am excit
AB Akuna Bay
Barry (The) 6.45am northbound train from Gordon, signal for departure
B&T Bitter and Twisted (Mon-Thurs morning coffee haunt, Kent St)
B2B Our Bush to Bridge brethren from the northern tablelands
BD The Back Door Route (refer Route Guide)
BH Bobbin Head
BNSW Bike New South Wales
BOF Barry O'Farrel aka Fatty O'Barrel - see Barry (The)
BOM Bureau of Meteorology website
BP Bullet Point (corner Ridge St and Miller St, North Sydney)
BS Significant doses required for riding with ER
BW Browns Waterhole (Fridays only)
BW Berowra Waters
CA Chartered Accountant
CA (alternate) Cycling Australia
CF Clutters Flutter - originally Akuna, Church Point, Northern Beaches, Manly, Spit Bridge, Mosman and the city but now tainted with a variety of "short" and "fast" Flutters.
CP Church Point
Di2 Poor man's Campag Veloce
DLHK Dread Lord Half Khan
ER EasyRiders
FBW First Best Way (to start the day)
FD The Front Door Route (refer Route Guide). Takes Luton's Driveway from Roseville.
FM Founding Members - the 5 guys who started ER.
FP Flash Point (corner West and Ernest Streets, outbound only)
FVR Fox Valley Road - 6:30 am meeting point at junction of FVR and Roland Ave
GG Greengate Hotel, Pacific Highway, Killara (also "Groin" or "Groingate")
GG Galston Gorge
GOTFR Cheery greeting from our ute driving friends
GPS Global Positioning System
GtGGvG Gordon to Greengate via Gong - an annual 200km pilgrimage
HMAWOTN Hard Men and Women of the North
HoD Hills Of Death - the return up Lindfield & Weroona Aves. The reverse of the ride in.
HTFU Rule 5 (
KOM The snow tinged slopes of Scaramanga aka Naremburn Bike Path
KPR Kissing Point Road
LD Luton's Driveway - the return up the Pacific Highway from Clanville Rd, Roseville
LM Life Members (Half a dozen senior members who are not old enough to be SMs)
MAMIL Middle Aged Men In Lycra
MM The Marshmallow Route (OTP) on Fridays only
MML The Magnificent Madame Lash (unfortunately no longer gracing Café Bullet on Fridays
MTB A distrubing sub-cult of ER's known to deviate occassionally from the OTP
OAFATSR Only As Fast As The Slowest Rider - the standard ER pace
OHC Our Humble Correspondent (refer BT)
OMFG Refer Chippo
OTB Over The Bars - something that seems to happen regularly to MTB ER's
OTP The One True Path (the regular route from Gordon to the city)
RR Rabbit Run (refer Route Guide)
RR Rhodes Roubaix (refer Route Guide)
RTG Ravi The Grate
SBW Second Best Way (to start the day)
SHB Shaggy Haired Bullet
SHB Sydney Harbour Bridge
SHBN Sydney Harbour Bridge North bike ramp entry
SHBS Sydney Harbour Bridge South bike ramp entry
SM Senior Members
SOL Satellite Of Love (aka Satnav) who looks after the rear of the peloton
TSS The Thornleigh Speedshop, proprietor D. Browne
TTL Tea Trolley Lady aka Time Trial Ledgend aka Contador
UB aka Rezonna
VD Van Diemen
WH West Head
WTF What/Where/Whom The figure it out
YHC Your Humble Correspondent (refer BT)