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Featured Rider
Ride Name :
Daniel Flitcroft
Type of Bike :
Race Lite & Kona Process
Biography :
I'm a mountain biker on the weekend. I enjoy heading out to Red Hill and the trails around Manly... or heading down to Threadbo & Stromlo for a bit of gravity fun. I commute to work (Lindfiel
Newcastle with train return
When: Sun 31 Dec 06:00 AM
Riders:Admin, Boycey, Doc, Limpet, Lunchie, Oma, Victa

Hatched over a jug of Willie the Boatman at the GreenGate, this ride leaves from the top of Kissingpoint Road Turramurra at 6am before heading along the old Pacific Highway. ‘Breakfast will be at The Entrance, about half way, around 10am. You have th option of heading off to Wyong for an early return (arrives Berowra at 1pm) whilst everyone else will continue onwards and upwards.