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Trying to keep up with ER..RRis my fav
Tour de TasmaniER BBQ and well wishers
When: Wed 23 Jan 06:45 PM
Location:Limpet's place
Attendees:Dragon, highlander, Lucy, Lunchie, Victa

So the Tour de TasmaniER kicks off on Friday 25th January in Devonport, Tasmania.

As riders are all meeting at my place to pack the trailer and meet up prior to our departure, I thought a BBQ/Limp Bar would be in order.

I'm sure there are a few well wishers out there in the ER community who could use this as an exuse for a feed and a beer.

As there is much to do, in this instance, please BYO meat as there will be a lot of us.

I'll supply the rest.

My address is 114 Eastern Road Turramurra. Corner Eastern and Billyard on the high side. 

Hope to see you there.

