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Featured Rider
Ride Name :
Andy M
Type of Bike :
Azzurri Primo Pro
Biography :
Dont live on the North Shore, or work in the city. So I'm just a weekend tag-along. My theory is that coffee tastes best at the top of a mountain climb.
End of Month Roads RooBay Special
When: Fri 31 Jan 06:25 AM
Riders:Flash, RTG
Description:Come and join the traditional owner of the Roads RooBay and learn about the dreamtime path, long before ER's egg and tomatos existance. Learn about the Wandella steeps leading to the Darlington Serpentine and hence to the Robinson bends and onwards to the Chelmsford canyon. We'll then nosie on down to the Amherst Glide and over the waters to the Tar-ra and Tullagalla clan camping sites. Traditional Ngkwarle will be served along with European style beverages. The Gubba tribes are welcome as long as they bring a Tidda or two.