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Ride Name :
Epping OTP
Type of Bike :
Biography :
English man making the most of the great Aussie weather and outdoor life
Falsh RBD, the RBD you have without Flash
When: Fri 14 Feb 06:25 AM
Pace:OAFAF if he was there
Riders:Dragon, Drastique, Flash, Paparazzi

Come and enjoy riding the backdoor, without Flash this week - to partake in all that the side streets have to offer - getting to Bar Cycle early enough to snare a table and have at least two coffees!

True to the style of Nice As(s) (not that I'd know because I'm always leading from the front), I am piking from the start and will meet at Dragon Point at 6:40 for the all important button press ☝️🚦

To ensure Flash knows we're thinking about him, please sign up to this ride so he at least knows who cares. For those that can't make the ride, please signup anyway, and then immediately pike; I've previously arranged with the web admin (NB: not The Admin, of which there is only one) to have all notifications of signups and pikes go to Flash's email address.

All the usuals - meet at 6:25 on the corner of Rosedale and Edward (at the Dentist) for the roll into town