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Featured Rider
Ride Name :
Bullet (Le)
Type of Bike :
Purple Haze unt CAAD10 unt Dame Nellie M
Biography :
It's a tough ask, but somebody has to look this good...... The most important thing in cycling is to look the part.
OTP Ride2Work(from Home?)
When: Wed 10 Nov 06:45 AM
Location:Usual Gordon departure
Attendees:Lionheart, Pine Tree, Victa

Can you, and should you, eat 3 breakfasts before you cross the bridge? National Ride 2 Work Day next Wednesday 10th November is the way to find out.

With Council elections less than a month away, surely the marquees will be erected and boxes of bananas made ready? Or will the fruit be replaced by ripe tomatoes (metaphorical or otherwise) being shelled by North Sydney's mayor at the slow space-occupying bicyclists as we walk, not ride, up the steps? Perhaps Ku-ring-gai's mayor will come out to talk to us, since he is banned from talking to his own staff after trying to sack Council's General Manager? Will winsome Willoughby deliver as usual under the freeway? 

So come ready for any number of breakfasts, including the backstop of coughing up for your own at BarCycle, before working from wherever takes your fancy. And if returning home, you'll be counted twice in the surveys! :)