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Ride Name :
Type of Bike :
Verite (roadie); Giant XTC3 (MTB)
Biography :
Enthusiastic rider having fun with a bike and mates. Always keen for a quick challenge on a hill . Best Ride: Tour de Lesotho.
Camden Cruise - AdERlaide Training Ride
When: Sun 14 Nov 07:00 AM
Riders:Dasha, Doc, Limpet, Oma, Victa

Let's try again shall we.......... last week's Camden Cruise came to an abrupt end due to the Metro being out of service. I have now checked and we are good to go. So.........

Get on board the Camden Express! Meet top of BWH at 7:00am. Catch the Covo Express from Mac Unit to Sunny Bella Vista where we alight and start riding along the M7 cycleway. Approximately 60kms of flat riding to Camden where our Cafe awaits. Return the same way. 

If you are an AdERlaider then this ride is for YOU as there is barely any climbing in Adelaide.