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Featured Rider
Ride Name :
North Shore Easy Riders
Type of Bike :
Hybrid Bike
Biography :
Designer and cinematographer work in city and started to like riding bike as fun and commuting.
Around the Bay
When: Sun 6 Oct 05:00 AM
Riders:Limpet, Oma, Victa

There is another contingent travelling to Melbourne for this year's Around the Bay.

Why not join us? It's all about the fun with a small bike ride thrown in........

We normally arrive on the Friday (4th October), go for ride to St Kilda, a quick pint or 2 before settling in for dinner.

Saturday is ride to Black Rock and the best breakfast on the coast (of Melbourne) returning via a lap of the F1 track, another coffee somewhere etc rest, take it easy and out to dinner again.

Sunday is an early start, still in darkness for the 210km loop that is ATB.

Great fun, this is not a difficult ride and more about the social cycling weekend away. Here is some feedback from previous attendees :

RTG : "The train trip to Geelong was nice but the rest of it I didn't enjoy very much as it involved riding"

Oma : "The train trip to Geelong was nice but the rest of it I didn't enjoy very much as it involved riding"

If you are interested, let us know as we are booking accomodation as we speak.