Ride Name :
Type of Bike :
Biography :
I am an Accountant started working in city. I am here to develop my inner strength to achive my goals.
I came across this quote which I like to share
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep
John Cooper
Long time cyclist, that has ridden all disciplines around the globe. enjoy mtb and road tours. |
Warren Page
Once upon a time I rode to work but over the years riding has been limited to the weekends.
Anna Pelesikoti
One woman's quest to be able to eat whatever she wants without putting on weight. (Mainly nutella or as I like to call it, dinner). |
Hipster Ned
James Wilson
Husband, Father of three girls. passionate mountain biker & gravel enthusiast |
Peter Haenke
Casual weekend rider and occasional commuter |
Paul Evans
Originally from the UK, married an Aussie, been in Sydney for 20 years, 4 teenage kids, have been a keen runner but taking up cycling more seriously as my 50s approach... |
Chris Prax
Enjoy riding on weekends and to the city and back during the week. |
James Cardiff
Living the good life and hoping to again soon be bike touring. |
Matthew Day
Started commuting Sept 2014 - slowly building up and targeting Three Peaks March 2016 |
Kylie Edwards
I loved riding my bike as a kid and got into mountain biking as a young adult. I stopped riding my bike for some time when I had children. When my last child was nearly 3 I really desired a physical and mental challenge. I certainly got that with road cycling and I was hooked! |