Ride Name :
Ali Parker
Type of Bike :
Mountain bike
Biography :
I just love to get out on the bike
Michael Wong
A blow in from Malaysia but have lived here since 1971. Rode bike to school in my teenage years. Got back on the bike again about 12 years ago for health reasons.
Apart from two riding mishaps, it's been a lifestyle changing experience that I wish to continue for as long as possible. |
Adele Hanzlicek
I'm not known for working my way up to things...rolling out of bed one day and deciding to ride 100Km on the 1st ER Ladies Day...lived to tell the tale! |
Gordon Halnan
Married 28 years, 4 kids, no pets, 7 bikes (plus at least one for each child) ... |
Gemma Croxen
Introduced by Big Goaders |
Laura Vize
Daily commuter of varying distances...coffee addict...slowly recovering fitness after the now famous head plant incident of January 2014! |
Timo Zauner
T.b.d. |
Rachelle Schreiber
Mark Rainier-Pope
Enthusiastic rider having fun with a bike and mates. Always keen for a quick challenge on a hill . Best Ride: Tour de Lesotho. |
Ian McPherson
Faster, harder, higher......said NO ONE EVER on the OTP. |
Pierre O
Pierre Oosthuizen
I feel that I am entitled to my share of lightheartedness and there is nothing wrong with enjoying one's self simply, like a boy. ~ Leo Tolstoy