SA Chapter mini Cogal

Congrats to the Founding Fathers of this great group.

To celebrate the SA Chapter held a mini Cogal last evening. The story goes something like this….:

Nick aka Gaynor arrived in our fair state (founded by free settlers, not convicts…)

I collected him from his hotel – no less than the Hilton mind you, home of the TDU. We tackled the frenzy of Adelaide’s peak hour – two sets of traffic lights as descibed by Gaynor. Ascending the mighty Lofty ranges, Gaynor had that look of anticipation mixed with fear. Some 20 minutes later we are in the man cave setting him up on the super Colnago EPS. It nearly died of fright as I tried to affix mountain bike pedals to such a thoroughbred steed.

Gaynor had mentioned SatNav and spreadsheets a number of times in the car, and then proceeded to take photos of my hidden man cave, within the man cave….the jig was up. I put two and two together. Gaynor might be posing as a marketing/sales/strategy guy, but he was indeed a forensic accountant. SatNav had sent him over to follow up unpaid ER affiliation fees and check out the books.

I gave nothing away that I knew his game, but plotted on what part of the hill he would meet an “unfortunate end” once out riding. We were both in the Egg & Tomato so even late into dusk we had no need for lights. With my evil plan in place I chose not to set Strava going – I wanted no record of this ride…

Once fitted we mounted and wandered our way through Piccadilly Valley and beyond. Down to Aldgate, past the resident Rhino (it’s true???) back up the valley and a quick regroup at the front of the Stirling Hotel before the beast of Mt Lofty beckoned. Gaynor was starting to flag and my time to strike was nigh. Once at the summit we took a few quick happy snaps to show Le Bullet that it really was an easy climb.

The descent now upon us, Gaynor must have seen the evil glint in my eye and kept so far back that attempts to foil his investigation proved unattainable. Besides, to do so would have been troublesome with new photographic evidence now recorded. Besides – I couldn’t hurt the Colnago.

Home at last after spotting a few Koalas we imbibed in some liquid refreshments to rehydrate. Unfortunately this turned to a few more, so by the time we had showered and changed and arrived back at the Stirling Pub for dinner the kitchen was closed. So much for local hospitality, we chose to continue with the re hydration approach with some Twisties supplement – dinner of champions.

Gaynor now considering betraying SatNav and moving to the SA Chapter. The lure of inaugural Secretary proving too much.

He did however mumble something about needed to purge himself of the SA diet or Jenny would have kittens. He then followed he need a Chippo Roman (sandal) massage to recover, so Sydney may ultimately win…

Good to fly the flag with a mini ER peloton over here.


One thought on “SA Chapter mini Cogal

  1. Dora

    There is another version of this story…

    Bullet had read me the scripture and told tale of a Buddha-like figure who had thrown in all his worldly possessions and the soulless existence of corporate banking to seek out a higher, more noble purpose.

    Said Bullet, “To find him ye shall go south – as I did”

    And so it was that I set out in search of the great Southern Master – which legend had it now did reside in a Lofty Mountain-top temple – thus I ventured forth to the deep southern regions of this vast brown land.

    It was 37 degs in the hot, flat town. Like a hell-sent demon Beebs did appear in a dusty brown ute, breathing fire and cursing the sparse Adelaide traffic. I climbed aboard and off we sped after finally breaking free of all fifteen cars that are Adelaide’s peak hour – dropping the hammer we charged up up into the hills above the city.

    Arriving at Club Bebee I was quickly ushered into the man-cave filled with all types of trim Italian beauties – two of which were already in position awaiting final instructions.

    “I’m on the De Rosa, you’re on the Calnago” said Nev. With real excitement now I stepped up to get to know her – salivating in anticipation of my first taste of the forbidden fruit that is European carbon engineering.

    A small awkward moment as the aforementioned ‘non standard’ pedals were introduced and finally installed was soon forgotten as talk began of routes, destinations, hills and climbs.

    Out the farm gate we went, my next challenge to quickly understand the idiosyncrasies of the Colnago and her temperamental SRAM Red groupy whilst trying to keep up with Sensei Beeb and maintain an outward sense of composure.

    We quickly settled into a rhythm and an understanding of sorts – Nev patient, me earnest & committed, working hard but conservatively – keeping something in reserve not knowing what devilish tricks were yet to come.

    As so it went from there – almost two hours of short climbs and zippy descents hanging on to the Beebster’s back wheel (some of the time) – a third of the way in Nev slows a little to say “Go easy round this bend and you might see a rhino”. Incredulous I looked up and sure enough there was a full grown two-ton unit watching us scoot past.

    In all a sublime afternoon – warm but dry, perfect roads with nary a pothole, few cars and those that did come past considerate on the tight windy stretches, and all the while the scenery of the Adelaide Hills unfolding with new things to see round every corner – mansions with conservatories, vineyards, cottages, temperate forest gullies, dry stone rock walls, koalas and more – and Nev left the best till last with a 3km climb to the top of Mt Lofty. And there a brilliant vista down over the whole city of Adelaide and out to sea with the sun setting slowly in the west.

    We parked the bikes, took on some fluid, enjoyed the view and took a couple of photos. If you look closely at the one in Nev’s post you’ll see the rays coming out of his head indicating just how close he is to reaching enlightenment – you were right Bullet.

    Thanks Beebs for an absolutely cracking day.


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