Monthly Archives: April 2013

B1/m’s P.I. Getalong Report

If the Fluffer is the girl you take out for coffee and a chat, the Flutter — the real deal, Clutter’s Flutter — is the woman you’d buy champagne for. Good stuff. French. The Getalong, on the other hand is the pierced and tattooed chick who lines up rows of tequila slammers on the bar. She makes you lie on your back and pours vodka and lime juice down your throat, straight out of the bottle. When you wake up the next morning, you feel sore and horrible, and wonder what the hell you were thinking…

Satellite Navigation got the party started by smashing everyone around the head with a gold brick, wrapped in a slice of lemon. He was suffering mechanicals even before he arrived: couldn’t get the front mech off the big ring (doesn’t matter, he doesn’t use the little one anyway), couldn’t get the rear mech onto the big cogs on the rear cluster (also doesn’t matter, he doesn’t use them either), but he couldn’t find the two little cogs on the back either and, well, that was just annoying. Didn’t seem to slow him down any: the pace out of the blocks was mildly terrifying. The first round of drinks had gone down before the last glass was poured and he was already ordering the second.

Seven ER’s in all — Sat Nav, Flash, Wilson, Pidgeon (pending), The Lemming, this B1, and our honorary ER Graeme Weatherill (of distinguished Thredbo training camp standing) — present and accounted for at 4:00 AM (yes, Half, it is madness. But it’s a glorious kind of madness and, you know, that tequila slammer chick is hot. Actually, she was cool: it was 7°C when we rolled out in arm warmers and gilets.)

The descents to Brooklyn and Mooney Mooney Creek were fast: a clean, dry track, and the kind of cold air you get just before dawn, ripping through pockets of mist. Thousands of bike-light lumens projected huge sillhouettes of riders into the white air in front and we chased those ghostly giants into the depths.

By Kariong, the sun was up and the drop into the right-hand Woy was a blur. Soon after rolling over the top, the roar in my helmet blotted out everything else. I stopped looking over my shoulder when the apexes flashed up surprisingly fast — bang, bang, bang — one after the other. But I had Graeme in my ear, calling when the cars were back and so I could forget about the traffic, relax into the line and drop through the corners in clean, solid arcs. Fast arcs. We rolled out the bottom, both of us, wearing bug-eating grins from ear to ear.

Amazingly, all still accounted for at Ettalong (we nearly lost Flash at the Kariong turn-off, and The Lemming on the little hill before the lookout) but nary a mechanical worth mentioning, 32 km/h average on the clock for the first 80 km sector, and plenty of time for breakfast. Even so, the help managed to look very flustered when we all rolled in. Everyone except YHC was served coffee, which was enjoyed on the chilly trip across Broken Bay and Pittwater.

The remainder, for this B1, was grim survival: Pittwater Road TT, BBCD, The Spit, Parriwi — nothing left for anything but a slow grind to the summit. I tried getting my act together for the last dash to the bridge, but it was already that part of the night when you realise you’ve had too much too drink. And there she is, offering you another one. Hell, you’re out. It doesn’t happen that often. What else are you going to do?

MTBC 101- Ride Wrap

For your reading pleasure please find a ride report for BamBam’s inaugural MTB fluffer, from the alternative Horatio perspective:

4:40 am: ALARM!!

4:50 am: drove to Gordon station. Blue Heeler (bike) packed in Baby Swede (that’s the car – don’t ask).

5:10 am: departed Gordon and rode to some park somewhere in Snives where the Cascade trail starts.

5:27 am: gobbled down breakfast of peanut butter and honey poppy seed bagel (the evil wheat)

5:30 onwards: at rear of group of about 7 all of who had proper MTBs and/or knew how to ride them. It’s rocky, muddy, steep and my new 300 lumen front light keeps getting shaken loose and shining right in my face. The group disappears into the ether and I am left navigating with a tiny head torch.

5:50 am: climb up and out of cascades and head through G-d-knows-where to some park eventually to emerge near some pipeline which is very muddy, slippery and steep in parts. The local kids have kindly made some jumps which (because it’s still pretty dark) only come into view just before you hit them

6:15 ish: emerge from Pipeline and go along road for a while until we get into a proper “technical” section. Clearly the first two off road bits haven’t been technical enough. This involves going around, over and through many large puddles, luckily they are filled with mud and not blood.

6:40 ish: emerge around the Wakehurst parkway somewhere. Our ride leader, the aforementioned BamBam declares we are running way too early. I then spend the rest of the ride joking that as the identified “slowest rider” I really could have afforded a breather somewhere along the way, as the ride pace is OAFATSR (only as fast as the slowest rider). I can tell this joke is wearing thin by about Mosman.

6:50 onwards: the rest of the ride is what I would call pleasant, having some really fast descents down to the spit bridge. My crappy old hybrid really came into it’s own here, it’s 700c wheels and 3-4kg weight “advantage” helping me keep up with BamBam on his 29ers. Of course this advantage was soon lost on the ascent through Mosman and Cremorne. Eventually I lost the lead peleton of 4 riders who could obviously smell coffee and dropped back to await the ride leader who had now taken up the role of “lantern rouge”

7:20 am: arrived at cafe and had a wide selection of seats (they are usually all filled by the time I get there) Awaited the 30 or so riders who had toddled in along the road like sensible people.

8:00 am: peeled my arse of the chair and crawled off.

Conclusion: a nice change of scenery from the regular OTP

A great run in. Thanks BamBam for leading it and as the identified “slowest rider” in the OAFATSR paced ride thanks for waiting numerous times.

Cheers, Horatio

Rider of the Week #31 – Lemming

1. Tell us a bit about yourself
A recent convert to the north-shore way of life, I was born and dragged-up in the badlands of Bankstown and surrounds. “Educated” at ANU, Newcastle Uni and Griffith Uni (Brisbane); I then set forth to South Korea where I lived, worked and wreaked havoc in my futile attempts to make them understand Australian (Proppa) – English. Until the end of last year, I were a enGlish Teecha. Some health issues (MS) have seen the need for me to wind back and look for a somewhat more part-time occupation – which I am just about to commence the search for.

2. What got you into cycling?
I can’t remember never not being able to ride a bike as a kid; which I did, probably, excessively during high school (mostly stalking girls). However, the advent of university and a driver’s licence – well, I’m sure it’s a common story.

About, 8 years ago, I decided I was too fat and unfit – enter the bicycle until about 4 years ago, when I suffered a major MS attack. About 1 year ago, I was able to get on the bike and build up my fitness and shave 50kg from my gut. Hopefully, my new, semi-monastic life-style – sans sugar, wheat, legumes, red-meat, and ESPECIALLY aspartame – will keep the nasties away from my auto-immune system.

Before losing 50 kg


3. How did you come to join the Easy Riders?

Blame Bucky!

4. Tell us about your bikes.

As a little kid: A dragster – with T-bar shift (cool)
Then, a BMX
High School: A couple of Jim Bundies
Since 2005: A Giant Yukon (broke it); my trusty SCOTT 🙂 – and waiting on my delayed JIM BUNDY HANDMADE with Di2 😀

Fixing stuff

5. If you could ride anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Perth => Sydney is definitely on my wish list as are the French Alps.

6. Tell us a riding story.

I hope this doesn’t sound too dumb; but about 6 months into this past year of riding, I decided to test myself and if I really wanted to push myself to overcome the issues around my health, weight & fitness.

So, one day – without any plan – I took off on what would become my first, and only (so far) 300 km day. The first 200km (Mittagong then back to Prestons) went by surprisingly easy; but the final 100km, especially the last 50km, were a hellish blur.

Riding up and down lengths of the M7, I had hours to experience pain, self doubt and the noises in my head telling me to stop – to end the stupid test I’d set.

However, once done – I can say that not only did I have an awesome ride under my belt; more importantly, I felt that I had achieved something – won the battle against my own doubts.

7. Do you have any advice for the riders at the back of the ER peloton?

Carpe Diem!

8. Lastly, tell us something we don’t know about you.

In the 5th grade play, I auditioned for Prince Charming; they gave me the part of an ugly sister 🙁 Thus ended my fledgling acting career

Wearing a cape at the beach (as you do)

The Fluffer Classic

Fluffer Classic Start

A big thanks to SatNav, Drastique, Admin, Both B1’s and many more for the fantastic help that they gave either leading groups or playing the role of ‘Lantern Rouge’ at the back of the pack. Between us all we got 45 safely through the Fluffer Classic without any real incidents beyond a minor mechanical (Quarter will need a new hub!!!).

What a fantastic ride. If you were in the second group you would have had a very easy climb up the Mona Vale Road whilst Sir Lunchalot and Ravi effectively ‘did their knitting and had a good old chat’. Once they separated the momentum picked up. To think that we could ride 45km and get two groups to meet up in Manly for a photo shows how good it was.

Hello Admin

The line of egg and tomato’s was fantastic. Great to see so many new faces.

To think that 45 people rolled out of bed ridiculously early to ride with their mates shows what a great group this is.

If only I had sent a few more emails I may have got a bigger turnout.

Thanks to all who rode. A great event and I hope a fantastic introduction to one of the ER rides.

The Fluffer occurs every Tuesday and Thursday – Start time 5.15am from St Ives. I will be back at the starting post on Thursday morning waiting to see if anyone will turn up!!!!

Please thank all your friends for attending. They are welcome anytime – Priority clearly given to the Fluffettes within the group. What a wonderful bunch to wake up with! (Fluffettes – please forgive me……)

Enjoy your day. On behalf of your boss – No Sleeping……….

Big Goaders

Rider of the Week #30 – Ivan The Terrigal

1. Tell us a bit about yourself

A Sydney boy relocated to the central coast, happily married with three kids, owns the only dog that is not a Staffy on the Central Coast, owns an old and ‘hand me down’ cat (thank you sister in law!) and two fish that just won’t die (the ones we wanted only lasted 6 months).  I love to surf, although less so now I’ve been bitten by the bike bug and generally spend my time running the kids around to music lessons and soccer.  I love making pizza, cooking in general, camping, and the occasional yoga session.ivan2

2. What got you into cycling?

Have always been into cycling as a mode of transport, although as a young rider was bought an orange Malvern Star road bike, rather than a BMX, like all my friends.  Recently, at the local BMX track, I took it upon myself to demonstrate for the benefit of the kids, the best method to attack the bumps at speed.  It was all going so well until I accumulated a little too much speed, lost it and hit the dirt pretty hard.  Nothing seriously injured other than a bit of blood and the kids laughing uncontrollably.

3. How did you come to join the Easy Riders?

Other than having a hankering to wear lycra amongst like minded men, I was looking to extend my commute from the Central Coast to avoid work, and noticed the ER website.  I just turned up at Gordon and was swept up with the momentum.  Thanks Turnip and others for making me feel welcome.

4. Tell us about your bikes.  

Cannondale CAAD 9, which has been recently refurbished.  Thanks Brownie I love it and definitely not too many CAAD9 s with Campy group sets getting around The Central Coast, or Sydney for that matter.   Recently the proud owner of a 1990s Peter Bundy steel framed road bike, thanks also Brownie.

5. If you could ride anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Definitely Italy or France, but am happy to be convinced otherwise, and would actually settle with anywhere that gets me out of the office.

6. Tell us a riding story.

Thanks to the Three Peaks ride, I now have a good riding story.  There are now quite a few ride reports making their rounds, however, my story is somewhat unique.  The lead up to, and the morning of the ride was fantastic and much the same as all the ER’s, however, I had barely crossed the start line when …….gently rolling forward (one foot unclipped), with WBA positioned in the start line chaos just behind me, I heard a crash although don’t recall feeling anything undue.  The peloton stalled again and WBA pointed out that I was lucky, the guy who fell tried to grab my shoulder on the way down, but missed.  I thought all great, no harm done, however, it soon became apparent that something fairly dramatic was wrong with the rear end of my bike.  WBA and I had agreed to ride together, so as he passed, we arranged to meet at the bottom of Falls Creek at the round about.  Did you really wait 4.5 minutes, 5 minutes I think would have been acceptable!  But seriously, not much WBA could do with the whole peloton flying past him, 200km left to ride and lots mountains to get over.  Back on the side of the road, I was at a complete loss.  Where was the help?

I managed to attract the attention of a ride official, who said to bring my bike up the stairs, behind the buildings, and into to the bike registration area (where we had the ride briefing the previous evening).  It was strangely disconcerting to be out of sight of the race start and to be around people who were at Fall Creek just to enjoy a day in the mountains etc.  A mechanic took one look at the wheel and said ….”maate, maaate that wheel is hitting both sides of the brake callipers, I reckon the rim has been bent, you got another wheel”  I said no, and thought OMG I’m having a Satnav moment.  “If you had a Shimano wheel, I could have put something together for you, but a Campy wheel…?!”  The mechanic said that he would not be able to spend the time to attempt to true the wheel.

Panic starting to take a grip, heart rate and blood pressure up, I asked them to mind my bike, tore off my shoes, and bolted up the side of the mountain to our apartment building and to my only hope, that Collette, whom I thought was still around, knew where a spare wheel was [note for next year, could we get accommodation a little closer to the start line!].  Unfortunately no spare wheel.  Collette’s bike had Campy wheels, although she was planning to ride the other side of Falls and around the lake.  To my eternal thanks, Collette made the ultimate selfless act and offered me the use of her rear wheel.  Wheel in hand, I ran all the way back down to where my bike was, only to find that the mechanics had trued my wheel a little.  The mechanic said I should take it easy around corners (bit hard when hurtling down Falls Creek and Mount Buffalo), but at least I could ride, although I was not filled with confidence in the road worthiness of my wheel.  I asked the mechanics to return the Campy wheel to Collette, and off I charged.  I didn’t have Collette’s mobile number and gave pretty sketchy directions to the mechanics as to how to find her, however a little way along the ride, I found the mechanics, who told me they found her and put the wheel back on……phew!).  Now, a small aside, should anyone find themselves in a similar predicament at the start of a ride, and you are lucky enough to be able to continue…make sure you actually cross the start line….I spent a good few kilometres wondering if I had done so, although as it happened, the accident happened after the start line.

I must have been 25-30 minutes behind the last rider ie about in 1,499th place and the good news was that I had the road to myself, but with adrenaline pumping, care was required to avoid loosing it on a corner. I had expected to see the last of the riders prior to the end of the first 32km descent, alas nothing but an empty road.  I did, however, catch up to a rider about ¾ the way down who said she was not in the race, but knew the mountain well and on her rear wheel we flew down the remainder of the descent, at a faster pace than I would have otherwise done.

I made the first round about at Mount Beauty, however still no sign of the peloton, the race officials seem to be closing their marshalling stations….more panic….ride faster, but not too fast, 200km left to ride…..don’t blow up.  Still panicked, but on the other hand, glad to be on the road and moving.  Is it possible to finish the ride this far back, or will I have to accept riding as far as I can prior to being pulled off the road.

I started to run into the first stragglers on their way up Tawonga Gap, but after the initial relief of seeing these riders, any riders really, I realised that these guys were never going to make the ride within the 13 hour cut off.  I think don’t panic, keep steady pace up hill, keep passing these riders.

At the top of Towonga Gap, I passed 20-30 riders who had stopped at the drink station, and at that point I really started to feel a lot better…‘Ivan The Terrigal’ is back in the race!

Sometime after the descent from Tawonga, I caught the wheel of a far stronger rider, and held onto it for dear life, and made good time to the drink station prior to Mt Buffalo, albeit ‘wheel sucking’ (appropriate I think, but will leave that to others to make a ruling).  To make up the time was pretty good however I had spent a little more energy than I would have liked.  I took my time up Buffallo which I found a long and tough climb, however really enjoyed seeing the ER’s speed down the hill.

At the top of Buffalo, I took my bike to a mechanic for a check,  a European guy, who had my rear wheel almost trued in 3 minutes flat.  It would have been fantastic if the guys back at Falls had spent a little time on the wheel, prior to dismissing it!

I rode into the lunch stop and saw a heap of ERs getting ready to depart….I filled my water bottles, grabbed some food, sorted out my drop off bags, and set off with them, happy as anything.  It was an amazing feeling to be with a group that I knew would look after me (read…more wheel sucking!), and to have company for what I suspected would be a long valley floor, and possibly dreaded UNDULATIONS (refer to Thredbo training camp).  The valley floor was hard, hot, long etc etc, but I had no doubt that I would make it…I had come so far….overcome panic and prevailed over a horrible start to a 230km ride.

I should also thank B1/Michael for mid ride, repairing my ‘broken’ shifter, apparently using all his mechanical skills…pushing the shifter button a little harder!  Possibly, fatigue had set in a little there.

As it turns out, with B1/Michael, WBA and Laurie, my best time for a climb on the day was the final climb up Falls Creek!  B1 and I were even convinced by the ERs cheering us on at Falls, to finish with a 300m sprint!

7. Do you have any advice for the riders at the back of the ER peloton?

I just assume they are having an extended “sandbagging” strategy, and with a blink of an eye will be on the front.

8. Lastly, tell us something we don’t know about you.

I answer to “Squid” whilst on the Coast.

Saturday Spin

Who: Blue Stratos, Pink Stratos, Simon, Simon’s Brother Paul, Magoo, Fore

Where: St Ives > Allambie Rd > Manly > North Head > Reverse Fluffer > Church Point > Akuna > St Ives

After the fun we had last Saturday with the Easter Ride, and given I had a whole lot of Strava segments I needed to do for the second time, it was decided that the Manly/Church Pt ride should be held again this morning, afresh with some new faces and new challenges.

Challenge # 1: Getting there on time.

I was 10mins early! Simon and Paul rolled in soon after, followed by Fore. We rolled down Mona Vale Rd to the Wildstratos Gardens to meet the Tandem, only to find Blue had shot back home to grab extra rain gear. But we happily waited in the rain with Pink because that’s the type of people we are. Blue wasn’t far off. Did I mention I was early?

Challenge # 2: Keeping up with the Tandem.

I am very pleased to have accompanied the tandem on its longest ride ever! True to form, Stratos2  flew past us on the descents and flats. Proving that 4 legs are better than 2, it also managed its way up that hill in Manly (leading up to the hospital, conveniently perhaps) and up McCarrs Creek road. People all over the Northern Beaches were fascinated.

Challenge # 3: Staying Dry.

As luck always has it, after 2mins of rolling, it bucketed. Fore’s gilet went a little see-through. But the rain passed and we managed to get all the way to Narrabeen without it raining again. A little shower was not enough to wash away our enthusiasm (and desire for coffee), and by the time we were drinking said coffee at Church Point, the sun was out. Considering the weather recently and the forecast, I think we did well to stay as dry as we did.

Challenge # 4: Allambie Rd

Alex loves to join our rides, but only “fore” a while (HAHA DAD JOKE!). We said our goodbyes at the bottom of Allambie, when he proceeded to turn around and climb right back up. Respect bro and we do love the way you drop in J

 Challenge # 5: Finding a Bandicoot.

Despite the 17 road signs stating that I should watch for Bandicoots, I still haven’t seen one at North Head. Not even a dead one. Maybe next time. However we did find out that the Stratos Backyard has lots of them. Did you know Bandicoots carry ticks and that if you have free range chickens, they will eat the ticks and your cat or dog is 90% less likely to get a tick? True story.


 Challenge # 6: Pancakes and Chicken Nuggets

“Sorry, your pancakes are coming, they are just in the oven.”

Excuse me? What? Who makes pancakes in the oven??!

But they looked pretty damn nice when they finally did come (food envy) and watching Blue and Pink share them, ala Lady and the Tramp with the spaghetti, was very cute.

Also – if you see Simon or Paul reach into their jersey pockets for chicken nuggets, don’t question it. Just get ready for them to take off at great speed.


Challenge # ₓⁿ : The Phenomenon that is the “Magoo”

I didn’t crash or have an OHS defined “Near Miss”! But I did decide that I wanted to flog myself up Akuna while the others shot back home to pre-existing commitments. After parting ways, I was enjoying some good old Briony time until half way up the Reverse Akuna climb I hear the familiar (that’s just sad) sound of my rear deflating (haha that’s what happened to it! SNAP). Upon closer inspection I found a small stone had taken upon itself to infiltrate my tyre through an existing hole, like James Bond sneaking into a snowed under castle in the alps and anonymously breezing through the party of an evil Russian multimillionaire.

Because I’m awesome I fixed it, but my canister-valve-connecting-thing isn’t as awesome as me and I headed off for another 2km with a half-inflated tyre after it spewed more co2 on the valve than in the tube. Resorting to damsel in distress tactics, I flagged down another cyclist (quite a good looking one actually – WIN) who topped me up. Good to go. Until another sound starts to bother me. My rear wheel wasn’t spinning freely, but my brakes were not rubbing. After taking off the wheel completely I managed to magically fix it, but covered myself in grease in the process. I even somehow had a grease moustache.


Awesome ride all in all. If you haven’t done it, you need to.

Hit me up, yo.


Underpants with 2 R’s

25-30 on the pedals at Gordon this morning, with nary a wet weather jacket on show. Talk was of anticipation of riding in daylight again next week when the clocks go back, albeit with the trade-off that the 6pm return journey will then be in darkness for the next 5 months. An incident free journey to Chatswood complete with text book re-group at Roseville and the usual suspects collected on the way, had most of us feeling that this would be a “vanilla” commute to the city. Alas a quick look skywards told another story, with deeply ominous grey clouds gathered ahead.

A few spots of rain on Archer had a number of us pull over to retrieve wet weather paraphernalia from backpacks, to the background call of “it’s just a light shower” from someone more in touch with themselves than the weather forecast. And then the skies opened! What a downpour- I can’t remember a wetter inbound commute for years, complete with quickly blocked drains and water 6-8 inches deep (that new drain and gutter on Observatory Hill? Fail.) Stopping to don the wet weather gear turned out to be an exercise in futility, as nothing could stay dry in this deluge but it rained so hard that it was actually quite exhilarating, with a number of calls of woohooo (ok I did it at the lights at Crows Nest, but most of you were thinking it I’m sure)!


Aaaaahhhhhhhhh! (1)The collective sound as the first slurp of hot coffee hit the back of the throat at the B&T, followed by self-congratulatory comments about how hard we really were. “If I wasn’t an accountant I could have been in the SAS you know” No, you couldn’t. Not many (none) stayed for seconds as far as I could see, for as hard as we may well be, most wanted to rush off for a hot shower.

Aaaaahhhhhh! (2) The collective sound of 25-30 ER’s hitting the hot showers just after 8am, and that tingle on the skin that confirms a significant change in body temperature.

It was at this point that I looked at my backpack hanging in the shower room and genuinely marvelled at how dry it had remained with only the $3.50 ER backpack cover from Guangzouw to protect it in such a downpour. Unfortunately looks can be deceiving and upon retrieving my underwear from said backpack to get dressed found them to be soaked at the bottom of the pack! Rain cover good for the wet stuff coming downwards, not so good for the wet stuff coming upwards off the back wheel.

Have a dry day all, see all of you HMAWOTN on the return tonight.


Return to the OTP

Shocked into consciousness in the predawn ( dead of night ) by England’s finest dawn chorus recorded in high def and featuring the warbles and trills of birds that can sing although nothing that can compare to the belly laugh you get from the locals. YHC was still not quite ready to roll at the appointed hour so instigated plan b which involves driving to Fox valley rd and piling out in time to meet the true hard men of the north.

Clear skies meant the temperature has normalised to a seasonal 15C which now feels like 10C due to thinning blood and being spoiled by a late blast of summer. Perfect weather to roll into town.

A gentlemanly transfer to Gordon led by a gentleman, Teflon making the early running and arriving at the stroke of 6:30. Trained observers of the traffic would notice that tonnage was back to its normal but manners were still on holiday, the chief offender YHC was aware of was a Postal juggernaut undecided as to the lane so using half of ours.

Gordon launch was filling fast, it seems the good seats were already filled, but plenty of space along the path and up the road, and well wrapped in the latest winter fashions, not quite time to break the seal on the Rapha jacket bag, but like an advent calendar it won’t be long now. Chit chat pace was the preferred option this morning, BOF on time, plenty of gossip time as YHC slipped from caning the front to lantern rouge, no slips, slops or slaps to report, all seemed to enjoy the 4 day format for a weekend, time to ride , socialise, catch up on sleep, lawn mowing.. all the pleasures of life and now the second best way to start the day.

A red letter day today… It has been a long time coming, and not for everyone but by the grace of the fat controller most of the bunch managed to turn onto Archer Street and then not have to put a foot down until the Mowbray road..the last time this happened the moon was blue and the captain was on the ride. ( Our fearless leader was on the ride today but was inspecting fluffers and flutterers , ensuring they arrived unshaken or stirred )

Regrouped at Tindale to count more than 25 riders, mean rather than average, soon to be a critical ( well not too critical ) mass..

SUP etiquette was observed, with plenty of hazard calling and safety being well managed, the more the merrier, and the merrier the more important it is to make that section “easy” and safe..

A simmer up the Burlington burn, to roll through to the SHB in very good time, more green lights and fewer buses please, but no complaints with today’s serve..and a beautiful harbour crossing in the first hour of need to be canned in a car or jammed in could call me biased but today was not a day to be missed.

And of course the B&T pulled out all stoppers and poured for the masses in double quick time..33 on a loose count milling about the courtyard scaring away the other customers..

Daylight saving is rapidly drawing to a close, making the return ride in daylight something to be savoured, YHC will be slipping the surly bonds of the city on the OTP 5:15 but there are many more to choose from: Flamby, PWR, gaining in popularity of late, tickets all still on sale.

Have a great day all