Tuesday’s Easy ride along the One True Path

The radar said no… Doris said yes…

Unloading into a fine misty morning atop the Col de Fox Valley dawn was not yet broken, but Doris was happy.

Rolling into the shambles on Pacific Highway was an interesting experience, grid locked traffic, and looking like a late arrival at Gordon the Fox Valley crew were forced to use a small section of the footpath, and apart from some equipment failure ( one ripped jersey due to low hanging branch) there was only one GOTFP token from a ute driver grid locked short of Pymble hill. One truck parked just before Telegraph Road was responsible for the utter chaos for the preceding 4 kms..

20 or more in the starting grid, flashing from various parts of the anatomy as ERs do, no one solution used where many are possible, and judging from the plastic on show and moisture about the road surface, today’s roll in would be we lubricated.

YHC quietly sliding to the rear, Lantern Rouge being Doris’s preferred position, and who am I to refuse. Counting the Er’s out, as the charge of the flashing light brigade made their way onto the one true path. Slow and steady at first, rolling through the hills of death at a sedately pace, avoiding any white line, metal grate, obvious hole in the carriageway..Doris being a wet bike was in her element.

Tapering or just plain enjoying the for once “Easy “ ride, it seemed the mood this morning was laid back, progressing at no faster than the slowest rider pace, ( YHC in snooze mode ) making this definitely the second best way to start the day. Accreting more than a few more ERs along the way, by the regroup at Tindale it would have had to be 30 strong and due to conditions much care and attention ensuring all arrived in one piece…the regroup at Crowies using all available space between the roundabout and the turn off Willoughby Rd..yup the peloton had grown.

B&T sprint starts a little earlier each day, I remember when it could be restrained to the top of the stairs on the SHB, Phantom and Schlecky kicked the can back to the lights at Falcon St..and took off like scalded cats from there. But the also rans were still very much in “Easy” mode and rolled with little extra enthusiasm through the North Sydney shambles, YHC was even engaged by a car driver for directions to North Sydney station..civic duty done, gave Doris a little kick along lavender st..nothing to strenuous though.

25 or more at B&T, arrived just in time to see a few rain drops fall on the forecourt and Vic raising the umbrellas as they cleared, but once again the coffee and pseudo foods appearing with gusto and aplomb.

Fluffers and flutters, Epping chapters, and stragglers filling the forecourt, not enough room to swing a cat as per usual, annoying the gent who leans up against the next doors wall to read his paper, he was busy rearranging bicycles to find a little wall space so he could sit on the windowsill of the Doctors surgery..I am sure this will resolve itself when the very nice people at Sydney Council install proper bike racks for us in the B&T vicinity.

Weather is forecast to improve this afternoon, making all routes available and probably warm to boot. Choose your return route with abandon.

Have a great day all


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